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" Testimonials "

"RipSaw and Juggernaut's low odor makes them safer to use around students, faculty, and staff. These products are extremely effective at removing floor finish, and perfect for rooms that have no windows for ventilation."

Renee LaDue
Physical Plant Operations Specialist, South Florida State College
Tampa, FL

"Our relationship with Buckeye has been phenomenal. They have been extremely helpful in making sure that our staff is properly trained and that each Eco proportioning system they installed was up to our standards."

Michael Ulbrich, Head Plant Operator
Countryside High School
Tampa, FL

"Buckeye products are environmentally friendly, sustainable, and exceed performance expectations. We switched from area to team cleaning and, after testing numerous options, found Buckeye to be the best. Using Buckeye products, the Eco Proportioning Program and the Buckeye Floor Care Program, has saved us over 25%!"

City of Fairfield
Fairfield California

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